Monday, July 18, 2011

What exactly can I do with a CCNA Discovery 1 certification?

This sounds like a Certificate of Course Completion - the actual CCNA is not broken down into Exploration and Discovery paths. What is more, it sounds like it is only the first module - the full CCNA curriculum is spread over four modules. As such you don't really have a substantive qualification at all there but a certificte saying you did part of a course to get one. CCNA is a lot of work and you'd know it if you had studied for the complete qualification.

Quesiton about physical exam for working papers?

Okay i need to get a physical certificate from my doctor that i'm fit to work so for the the certificate are they going to make me get naked and touch my private parts??

I failed the awpe(analytical writing exam) for UC?

i failed the awpe for UC irvine. um..what now? should i take the class online in the summer or fall..pros and cons of that? i have to pay a lot of money...what the ****..

Why do we hate thieves (the non-violent petty theft kind, especially pickpockets) sooo much?

When u think of the efforts u have to put up to get that which is stolen from u,u will definately get hurten,and so hate who is hurting u.

How to get rid of bad children and make them leave the house legally?

slap that girl in the face with a back hand and stand up for your focking family. a little girl is going to kill you? bwuhahahahhaha. idk if your a girl or a guy but if your a man you better drop your balls and put them in their place...... the kitchen

Why do MOST black people think think they're automatically cool?

It's like their black so they have to act cool. They just try too hard and it makes them look lame and whack AF. They're such followers to their lame rappers. back in the 90s when all these gangster rappers were out, they started robbing houses and dress ghetto even if they were from a high class family. now these rappers are all cocky and their fans act the same way and the poor ones are spending what little money they do have on their "swagg" every time they come up with a new word, their fans use that word in every sentence. The same ones that dissed that emo kid a few years back are the same ones wearing tight pants now. They always get rowdy when their about to fight like they trying to stall so that someone can break up the fight before they actually. and if they're in school and a principle or teacher comes they throw a few hit so they wont look like they werent gonna do nothing. I listen to CHICANO rap and I don't go out all cholo or have any desire to join the sur 13. I dress half cholo and half skateboarder (don't skate, just like the clothes [non-tight]). yeah so you cant even call me a follower...

In a tight situation with my undergraduate degree?

You graduated with a 50%. Do you really think that one summer course is going to make a difference in getting into a Master's program? Just take your degree and get a job. After your first job, your GPA will not make a difference, just the fact that you have a degree.